The Menswork Project

The Menswork Project

Better Men - Better World


Welcome to our new website. It heralds a new era in our operation. We have been around since 2001 and have a history that goes back to the mid Nineties. Mostly our focus has been on engaging with men as participants in our wide range of programs both here in Western Australia and in Bali. Covid all but put a stop to that, and it enabled us to review our offerings and retain and operate more efficiently in a new climate of Menswork. Since our inception much has been accomplished. Our mission, ‘to raise awareness about issues related to men and boys’ has been taken up by a raft of organisations now offering a wide range of regular service to men in Western Australia. The Menswork Project will be looking to enhance and support these welcome initiatives and become a clearing house blog for ‘What’s on for men in WA’ More about elsewhere on the site. Our two Iconic offerings will be retained. The regular bimonthly Men’s Breakfasts. A much loved ‘institution’, and The Elders Way in Bali. This very special retreat program has been upgraded and is now operating under the auspices Man Unplugged in NSW. You can find out more about these in our 'Programs' section.

Our Programs

These are the life-altering programs we currently offer.

The Elder's Way

The next Elder's Way is from the 8th to the 15th November 2024.

Part of the Men in Bali suite of programs instigated in 2005 The Elders Way is an exceptional opportunity for older men to appreciate and celebrate the significance of later life and being an Elder. Elders are a much neglected but needed aspect of our male journey., this life changing and affirming retreat program has gained a wide reputation for this pioneering work. Operated by the Man Unplugged organisation facilitator John Broadbent, in association with The Menswork Project facilitator Peter Efford. …….See more


The Famous Menswork Breakfasts

These very popular breakfasts are offered on a bimonthly basis as a meeting place and sharing circle for men. They have been operating for 20 years! It is a great way for newcomers to find out about what Menswork is all about in a casual friendly setting. Limited to 14 participants and costing $10, they are held in the home of Peter Efford in Gooseberry Hill. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive invitations to these breakfasts or contact us if you want to find out more..

The next breakfast is on the 15th September. CLICK HERE to secure your seat!

Our Story

In the mid-eighties Menswork was an emerging concept in Australia. What emerged then were ‘Men’s Gatherings’, weekend events for men to undertake a range of ‘experiences’ that affirmed a much-needed opportunity for participants to realise the potential and value what came to known as ‘A Man’s Journey.’  The Menswork Project instigated the first Gathering in WA in 1984. They have been operating ever since.  There are now regular Gathering in every state, and they act as a springboard to the wide range of other offering now available in Australia.

It is from these beginnings that Wes Carter and Peter Efford expanded the concept by offering regular men’s workshops and events. Amidst a host of ‘local’ offering the Men in Bali programs emerged as a means for men to deepen their opportunity of sharing and understanding the great masculine Spirit.